My First Blog Post

Who is the Dragon of the West?

“For he who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.”

β€” Samuel Johnson

“Ph’nglui Mglw’nafh Kutulu R’lyeh Wgah’nagl Fhtagn.”

β€” Cthulhu

I feel like first impressions are very important, so I’ll take the time to quickly introduce myself… while avoiding over exposure!

My magickal name is The Dragon of the West (if you haven’t guessed that by now). My spirits have been diligently encouraging me to create an outlet to share my experiences, knowledge, and whatnot. Well I finally gave in lol.

I wouldn’t say this blog focuses on a specific magickal current or system. I do plan on covering a lot of areas such as, the Necronomicon, Mesopotamian Sorcery, Sex Magic (yea i didn’t feel like putting the k this time :P), Sigils, Necromancy, and more! Hopefully my grammar wasn’t too repulsive.